English Editing Researcher Services

Radhika Johari

  • Radhika Johari
    Radhika Johari

    2003 - MA Social Anthropology, York University

    1990 - MA Hons Social Anthropology, University of Edinburgh

    Academic Background

    Ms Johari is a social anthropologist with an academic and professional background focusing on environmental topics, including forestry, biodiversity and conservation, climate change, and energy, as well as sustainable agriculture and development, and crop diversity. As a PhD candidate, she was the recipient of several Canadian and international research awards, including grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, and the International Development Research Centre of Canada. Ms Johari has worked as a researcher, associate, and technical writing and editing consultant in several international non-profit organizations across the world. She recently worked on a USAID forestry project in India and is currently a technical writing and editing consultant at the Global Crop Diversity Trust.

    Publishing History

    Ms Johari has authored several publications, singly or as the first author, in journals that include Himalaya: The Journal of the Association of Nepal and Himalayan Studies, Conservation and Society, and Man & Development. She has also contributed chapters in four edited volumes and has presented papers at several academic conferences in Canada.

    Editing and Reviewing Experience

    Ms Johari has over two decades of editing and writing experience in international contexts, and has edited several published and forthcoming books on topics ranging from diaspora, migration, memory, and world heritage to medicinal plants, trees, vegetarianism, food sovereignty, agroforestry, crop wild relatives, carbon emissions, and the cultural politics of energy. While Ms Johari’s professional editing experience is diverse, spanning multiple disciplines and subjects, she focuses on the following areas within the environmental and agricultural fields: forestry, social and agroforestry, biodiversity and conservation, conservation landscapes, agriculture and crop diversity, food security, sustainable development, climate change, energy politics, sustainable transportation, and rural and urban studies (e.g., planning, environments, and heritage). She also has an interest in public health. Authors for whom English is a second language and whose work she has edited have published papers in journals such as Habitat International, International Journal of Heritage Studies, Journal of Cleaner Production, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Energy Sciences, Sustainability, Sustainability Science, The Open Transportation Journal, the Journal of Meteorological Research, The Lancet (Global Health), several Frontiers journals, and the International Journal of Nursing Sciences. She has also served as a peer reviewer for the journals World Development and Conservation and Society. Ms Johari joined Edanz as an editor in 2013. Her work has been spotlighted in the company’s newsletter, testifying to her substantial and varied editing experience.

    Writing Experience

    Ms Johari has varied professional and academic writing experience spanning academic theses, journal articles, book chapters, book reviews, abstracts, and technical project content, including annual reports.