English Editing Researcher Services

Glenn Pennycook

  • Glenn Pennycook
    Glenn Pennycook

    1997 - MSc Physics, University of Auckland

    Academic background

    Mr Pennycook was a member of the Japanese–New Zealand astrophysics project MOA (Microlensing Observations in Astrophysics), which studied massive compact halo objects (MACHOs) as a candidate for dark-matter. His part in the project was as chief investigator in the search for a red dwarf halo around the edge-on spiral galaxy IC5249, using statistical techniques to measure a light intensity much lower than background variations in the night sky. This work was subsequently published in the Astronomical Journal. Mr Pennycook is currently the Chief Science Officer at Cellular Medicines, a medicines manufacturer.

    Editing and reviewing experience

    Mr Pennycook has 17 years' experience editing thousands of academic papers for publication in a wide variety of fields including physics, mathematics, physical chemistry, engineering and robotics, physical chemistry, earth sciences, systems control, fluid dynamics, energy, and health and medicine. Mr Pennycook joined Edanz as an Editor in 2007.

    Writing experience

    Mr Pennycook has published in science education magazines, has acted as Chief Editor of online magazines, and has and written articles for specialists and the public in the fields of physics, energy, health, medicine, and science education.