English Editing Researcher Services



On September 9th, Dr Andrew Jackson and Dr Eri Kinoshita will lead a seminar at Tokyo University.


On this page you will find presentation materials and other resources that will help you with writing manuscripts and removing the barriers to publication. Our aim in providing these is to help you achieve publication success.



독자는 글을 읽으며 어디선가 정보가 보여지는 것을 기대합니다. 좋은 저자는 글을 쓸때 이러한 독자의 마음을 고려하며 글을 써야 하죠. Gopen and Swan 에 의해 쓰여진 고전 아티클을 통해서, 어떻게 독자의 가독성을 향상시키면서  의미를 효과적으로전달할 수 있는지에 대한 5가지 기본항복에 대해 살펴보겠습니다.  오늘은 먼저


Part-1  문장에서의 주어와 동사의 위치


에 대해 살펴보죠.


문장을 읽을때 주어와 동사는 가깝게 있어야 합니다. 그래야 독자가 문장에서 무슨일이 일어나고 있는지 빨리 파악할 수 있고,가독성이 높은 좋은 원고가 될 수 있죠. 주어와 동사를 멀리 떨어뜨려 놓으면 주어를 읽고 동사를 찾아낼 때까지 의미를 잊어버려 글이 주는 의미를 파악하기 위해 다시 읽어야 하는 번거로움이 생기기도 합니다.


예를 들어


글쓰기 연습, 물론 많이 해야 하지만 첫번째 중요한 것은 문법입니다.

Which or That? 뭘 사용해야할지 사실 네이티브 스피커들도 혼란스러울 때가 많습니다.


  1. 의미를 제한할 때 - That


제한적이란 말은 제한해 준다는, 즉 앞에오는 선행사를 제한해서 설명해 주고 있기 때문에 이 that 절은 생략할 수 없습니다. 제한해서 설명해 주는 절이 없어지면 의미가 완전히 틀려지거나 어법이 이상해져요.


예를 들면:

Companies that build bridges are usually construction companies.


여기서는 다리를 짓는 회사로, 회사를 제한해 주고 있죠. 다리를 짓는 회사가 건설회사라는 말입니다.That 절을 생


On May 28, Dr Daniel McGowan will lead a workshop at UChile in Santiago.


On this page you will find presentation materials and other resources that will help you with writing manuscripts and removing the barriers to publication. Our aim in providing these is to help you achieve publication success.



On May 26, Dr Daniel McGowan will lead a workshop at FLACSO in Ecuador.


On this page you will find presentation materials and other resources that will help you with writing manuscripts and removing the barriers to publication. Our aim in providing these is to help you achieve publication success.



On May 22, Dr Daniel McGowan will lead a workshop at UFRJ in Brazil.


On this page you will find presentation materials and other resources that will help you with writing manuscripts and removing the barriers to publication. Our aim in providing these is to help you achieve publication success.


고객 서비스

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